Need a Tow Truck?

Dig some new grooves in your brain . . .

Laura DeMaisBerg
4 min readJan 23, 2021
Photo by Aubrey Odom on Unsplash

You’ve driven into a muddy ditch in a big, heavy pick-up truck. It’s raining a little bit and you think you’ll be able to get out. It’s just the right rear tire that’s stuck. You take a deep breath, turn the wheels toward the road and push hard on the gas. The wheels spin and you move a few inches, but as soon as you take your foot off the gas, you feel the truck settle back.

Now both rear tires are inches deep in the mud. It’s raining harder and you begin to wonder if you will be able to get out of this ditch before nightfall. You find some cardboard in the back of the cab and quickly tear it into two pieces, putting one under each rear tire, hoping this will help get past the mud. Once more you gun the engine but make little headway. As soon as you take your foot off the gas, you sink again into the mud.

By this time you’ve given up the idea that you’ll make it home by dinner. Your shoes are caked with mud, your hair is wet, and you’re cold. This isn’t working, you think to yourself, I can’t do this alone. So you pull out the insurance card from your glove box and call the emergency roadside assistance. They ask what the problem is and what is your location. They tell you they will get there as soon as possible. You get back in the truck, text your partner or mother or friend, or none of them…



Laura DeMaisBerg

I write about seemingly mundane experiences that are relatable because we are human. Subscribe on Substack to get my stories directly: